MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 1

Week 1

Install Dreamweaver

Install Dreamweaver CS5.5.

Demonstrate some basic functionality.

Lab 1

This lab is to test your knowledge of being able to do basic file management using Dreamweaver.

Read chapter 14 in the HTML XHTML & CSS book.  This chapter describes using style sheets for printing.  Really only the "Controlling Page Breaks" section in the chapter is commonly used in today's web page designs.  Here I have an example of a long article that I use for one of my classes.  This one does not have page breaks.  Here is the same article with controlled page breaks.  When viewing it on the computer screen, it views as one continuous page.  But when you print it, it prints nicely with breaks between the sections.  Do a print preview to see how it nicely lays out on the page.

Create a web page that is quite long.  When printed on a printer it should span at least three pages.  Modify your web page to control the page breaks using inline styles so when printed so that the page breaks are at a logical place in the page.

Grading Criteria Points
A folder created in the site root labeled "lab1" 1
Control page break with inline style. 3
Assignment in on time. 1