MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 11

Week 11

Read chapter 10 in the book.  This chapters is about Cookies.




VaVaVroom test

Multiple cookie set

Lab 11

Read chapter12 in the book.  Chapter 12 is about creating, reading, and writing cookies.  Cookies are used in most e-commerce web sites to track visitor data, such as visitor preferences, shopping cart contents, etc.

Do:  For this exercise you need to create two web pages.

Page 1 - Write a JavaScript program on a web page that collects at least three pieces of data about a user and creates and writes a cookie.  This data could be such things as birthday, address, favorite color, etc.  Set the cookie to have an expiration period of 3 minutes.

Page 2 - Write a JavaScript program on a web page that reads the cookie back and displays the information contained in the cookie.

Grading Criteria Points
A folder created in the site root labeled "lab11" 1
Part A as described above. 6
Part B as described above. 6
Assignment in on time. 2