MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 2

Week 2

Read the online PDF file (old chapter 15 in the HTML 5th edition) book. Information on how to get this PDF is on page 25 of the 6th edition.  This chapter describes creating framesets.  Framesets are generally not supposed to be used on new sites due to accessibility issues.  However they can be used sparingly when there are no other alternatives.


Lab 2

This lab is to test your knowledge of being able to create a frameset.

Create a simple frameset.  One frame should contain a simple menu that goes to at least 3 pages.  Demonstrate that clicking on a menu item changes the contents of contents frame.  This would be similar to the website

Grading Criteria Points
A folder created in the site root labeled "lab2" 1
Frameset created . 3
Menu created that changes content frame. 5
3 pages of content . 4
Assignment in on time. 2