MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 5

Week 5

Read chapter 3 up until page 50 in the JavaScript textbook.  This beginning part of the chapter is how to write loop structures.

If using Internet Explorer, you may have to modify your debugging settings to allow errors to be shown if Javascript has an error in it.

Windows Firefox: Go to Tools / JavaScript Console. This brings up a window that lists all the JavaScript errors that have been encountered since the last time the console was cleared. You might want to clear it every now and then; there's a button to do so on the JavaScript Console window.

Of course, if you are no longer doing debugging, you will want to put the settings back to their original settings so you don't get annoying error messages from other people's code.

Lab 5

Your instructor will show you an example to follow.

Here is a screen snapshot.

Part 1 - Using for loops, create a multiplication table.  Prompt the user for number of rows and number of columns.  For this part, it is not necessary to have fancy formatting.  However there definitely should be rows and columns visible.

Part 2 - Duplicate Part 1 and expand upon it.  Include HTML formatting to generate straight rows and columns.

Part 3 - Duplicate Part 2 and expand upon it.  Generate a HTML table on the fly as to create a nice looking table with alternating colored rows.

Grading Criteria Points
A folder created in the site root labeled "lab5" 1
Part 1 7
Part 2 5
Part 3 5
Assignment in on time. 2