MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 7

Week 7

Read chapter 8 in the book.  This chapter is about different event types and handling events.

This is a finished in class example called handle events. (Password protected. Live demonstration in course recording.)

Images zip file.

Lab Handle Events

Create scripts that do these things 10pts total:

  1. Create 4 targets on the screen that represent 4 four things of your choice. Colors, seasons of the year, items, etc. The targets can be buttons, plain text, or thumbnail images. These cannot be from the example in class. 2pts.
  2. When rolling over these targets, change an image on the screen to represent the target you have rolled over. The image being swapped should not move jitter when changing the images. Best way to do this is to use images that are the same dimensions. 3pts.
  3. Create text on the screen that shows the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse. When the mouse is moved around on the screen, the coordinates should update immediately. 2pts.
  4. Create text on the screen that shows if a mouse button is being clicked. 3pts.

Assignment is due one week from when it was assigned.  50% penalty if late.