MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 9
Week 9 Read chapter 11 in the book. Chapter 11 is about time functions, and displaying/hiding layers and moving layers. Example of the bug following the cursor.Rewritten followbug. Bug going to random set points on the screen. Example of a car moving on the screen. Resized car. Background board. W3Schools on timer functions. |
Lab Move Layers For this exercise you need to create: 1 - Start out with the exercise that we did in class with the bug moving around on the page that followed the cursor. 2- Change the javascript so that instead of the bug following the cursor, the bug appears to go to random points on the screen per the example shown above in class. The animation needs to appear smooth.
Extra credit - Finish the car moving example so that it stops at every square on the board. 5 points. Assignment is due one instructional week from when it was assigned. 50% penalty if late. |