MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 12
Week 12 Read chapter 14 in the book. Pay particular attention to the section "Using an External .js File". |
Lab 12 For this exercise I want you to find a a couple of interesting scripts on the web or scripts from the book that we have not done yet. Page 1 - Create a HTML page that references an external script. On your HTML page give me a brief overview of what your script does. On the HTML page tell me exactly where you found the script (full URL or page name) Page 2 - Create a HTML page that references an external script. On your HTML page give me a brief overview of what your script does. On the HTML page tell me exactly where you found the script (full URL or page name) Link the two HTML pages together so that I can navigate between them. External Script - Document your external scripts with comments. In your comments include exactly where you found the scripts. Format (indent) your scripts so that they look professional.