MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 11

Week 11

This week the topic is JQuery.

JQuery official website.

Controversy where to place Javascript <script> tags. In the head? At the end just before </body>? Async? Defer? Read the following:

Discussion on Stack Overflow.

Another discussion.

Yet another view of performance by a book author.

Lab jQuery

Go to the website Code Academy and create a free account.

There are 5 free lessons. Each lesson has sub lessons, and you receive points per lesson completed. Your percent completed is shown. You will receive a pro-rated number of points based on your percentage completed. Take a screenshot that shows percent completed and your username in the screenshot. Submit the screenshot to the D2L dropbox. This lab is worth 20 points. So if you complete 20% of the lab, you will receive 4 points, etc.

Go to the website udacity and create a free account.

Go to the jQuery free training

There are 3 free lessons. You will receive 5 points for each lesson completed. Take a screenshot showing the completion of each lesson (green checkmarks next to each part in the lesson). Submit the screenshot to the D2L dropbox.

Grading Criteria Points
Lesson 1 The Basics 5
Lesson 2 The Tricks 5
Lesson 3 Event Listeners 5