MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 4
Week 4 First, you should be aware that there is an obsolete technique of page layout called framesets. Framesets are not to be used on new sites due to accessibility issues. They are not supported in HTML5. But sometimes there are no other alternatives. These are examples of framesets:
However inline frames are still used to include 3rd party content into your website. Here is an example that our in class exercise is based on. Free iframe checker v2.0. Many sites are set up so that they cannot be inside an inline frame. This little app checks if the page you want to include can be included into an iframe. |
Lab 4 Frames and Windows This lab is to test your knowledge of being able to create an iframe, and open a popup window. Part 1
Part 2
Part 2 Extra credit - Be able to link to an anchor in the pop up glossary window - 5 points. Part 3 Extra credit - Create a CSS box that acts like the pop up window that holds your glossary. You should be able to drag and close the pop up CSS box. - 5 points. Assignment is due one week from when it was assigned. 50% penalty if late. |