MMDT1022 HTML II and Javascript
Week 8
Week 8 Read chapter 9 in the book. Chapter 9 is about creating, reading, and writing cookies. Cookies are used in most e-commerce web sites to track visitor data, such as visitor preferences, shopping cart contents, etc Testing cookies site1 Motorhead site. When testing, you must test with a web server. Whether that means a real webserver, or the simplified web server that comes bundled with Brackets. Important: when using Brackets, make sure the live preview of the page is actually working, and you see (which means local host) in the address bar. If you see file:///, the setting and reading of cookies will not work. Screenshots below a correct live preview. When testing, you must test with a web server. Whether that means a real webserver, or the simplified web server plugin for Visual Studio Code (Live Server). Important: when using VS Code, make sure the live preview of the page is actually working, and you see (which means local host) in the address bar. If you see file:///, the setting and reading of cookies will not work. Screenshots below a correct live preview.
Lab Cookie For this exercise you need to create three web pages. Page 1 - Write a JavaScript program on a web page that collects at least three pieces of data about a user and creates and writes a cookie. This data could be such things as birthday, address, favorite color, etc. Set the cookie to have an expiration period of 60 seconds. Page 2 - A basic page with not much on it, but to simply go on to page 3. Page 3 - Write a JavaScript program on a web page that reads the cookie back and displays the information contained in the cookie. Note: You cannot use the same 3 things that we did in class. Pick new items to read/write a cookie.
Assignment is due one instructional week from when it was assigned. 50% penalty if late. |